Unwanted Stoke Tickets

5 Aug 2006
Brother has 2 Stoke Tickets from school as an award for full attendance.
None of our family/friends are Stoke fans, so they are of little use. The game is this Weds against Sunderland, seats in south stand.

Can I get rid of them on MM?? Had a look a the rules but thought I would check as don't fancy a ban.

EDIT: For sp
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You would have to pay someone to have them off you!!!!

I have no idea why the school him Stoke tickets! We don't even live that close.

You could try sell them on eBay though the fixture's quite soon so you might have problems getting them to the buyer in time..
Already tried. They got taken off, aren't a permitted item.
Don't think there is a buy back scheme for single tickets:(

Get yourself down there, you might enjoy it.
I am away at uni, and we used to live up north and are all Blackburn supporters, me using the term very loosely as my interest in football is minimal.
I may however go to see Blackburn give Stoke a good thrashing when they play there:)

EDIT: Brother just said tickets are £27 each! I know I haven't been to a game in 10 years but never knew they were that much. I bet Man United ones are circa £40:eek::eek::eek:
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