upcoming FPS games...??

30 Sep 2006
Midlands, UK
Similar to BF, COD etc? Doesn't have to be war per se, but something with SP substance.
Even decent 3rd person games. Sadly i may be waiting a while for another Splinter Cell to come out.
Can't abide stupid games that don't allow you to totally customise your keybinds (MSG? g..t..f..o...!!!!)


SW Battlefront
Black Ops III

Just finished replaying Bulletstorm. Loved it.....and it ended with the potential for a sequal....Alas....nothing appeared. :(

What else is on the horizon? Or out now that i may have missed out on please?
Doom 4,
Rainbow six Siege (though a lot of people played the beta and don't like it)
The Division.
Doom 4 you say? Oooohhh!.......That said, Doom 3 sucked balls. Utterly repetetive scenery, boring yadda yadda yadda.
Still, will look it, and the Divison, thanks. :)
Homefront the revolution
Doom 4
Gears of War Ultimate Edn.
Desus EX Mankind Divided
No Mans Sky
Fallout 4
Mafia 3
Bad Company 3
I was looking forward to battlefront until they said no dedicated servers, changed my mind completely. Fallout 4 it is for me next. Nothing else of interest, maybe hitman and mafia 3
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Had fun playing both the recent Wolenstein games (Old Blood and New Order) along with both the Metro games in Redux (Metro 2033 and Last Light).

Would recommend all of those if you haven't played them yet :)
Ghost Recon Wildlands
The Division

Thats what I am holding out for, MAybe will try the battlefront beta next week see what its like
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