Upcoming pc games that justify a system upgrade?

11 Feb 2004
My current gaming PC is around 3 years old. This and my PS5 seem to cover my gaming needs for now. But I was wondering what games are coming out over the next few months or even into next year that would put a high end PC to good use? I'm basically looking for a good reason to upgrade but so far it doesn't seem worth it. Obviously the new Battlefield looks great but will most likely pick that up on PS5 anyway.
Not sure there are any, TBH.

I'm still sitting on a 2070S and an old 4790k OC'd and they play everything just fine at 1440p. I was considering upgrading my CPU and Mobo for Cyberpunk as I was getting some stuttering while driving through certain places but the game isn't good enough to warrant that so I'll live with it.

Other than that, I have absolutely no issues with all of the games I play at high settings and there doesn't seem to be anything on the horizon to really make me upgrade. I'm interested in Elden Ring but I doubt it won't run well on my PC.

There are also great older games that I want to revisit, more worthwile than most of the mediocre AAA stuff currently released.

In your case, you also have a PS5 so I wouldn't. Just spend that money on games that interest you.
Stalker 2, Dying Light 2 or Elden Ring maybe, those are a few of the more graphically impressive games I can think of that are coming out but maybe not so much that it would require updating
Im upgrading my i7 920 and gtx970 for riftbreaker I loved the demo but my cpu was on its arse, got a 5900x and picked up a 2080 for 300 woooooo the difference has been night and day cant wait for riftbreaker on the 14th just a few more days
Only VR would make me upgrade now, the games i like to play do not take a power house even then i am hanging on for PS5 VR.

I cant justify dropping 3.5k on a new rig to be able to spend 10min then another 2hrs laying down as i feel sick :)
probably nothing to upgrade for in the next 1-2 years tbh.
I used to think consoles were bad for gaming but I don't miss having to my gpu almost every year.

my 4670k and 980ti seem fine still for 1080, unless you wanna upgrade your monitor res I wouldn't bother.

Same. Only significant drawback I have is only 8GB of ram which is so low now a days. Haven't got the clearance for more as heatsink is too big.
only game that gave me issues with 8gb is forza motorsport, crashes every few races :/

every other game played fine, I think my SSD gets hammered though with a HDD we would probably notice it.
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