Update on my Acer AL1916W.....

19 Oct 2002
Just a short update about my Acer AL1916W in the three weeks I've been using it.....I'm totally hooked on widescreen now. Browsing, games, doing coursework. You name it, I'm hooked.

Browsing. Some sites seem weird at first, but that's down to poor coding than a poor monitor. Pages are bright and easy to read, excellent colour reproduction and clarity. I have Cleartype on.

Games . Counter Strike:Source is brilliant in widescreen. FEAR is impressive, even on my ol' 9700Pro. Far Cry is far more brilliant in WS than before. Thank you, widescreengamers.com!

Coursework. Battering essays out is a breeze, even my old, short-sighted eyes can view a two-page spread without too much difficulty. Sure, 1400*900 isn't a particularly massive resolution, but it works for me. Again, text is clear, and easy to read.

Sure, it only has VGA-in, but for the money, there's nothing else comes close. I will be buying a second when funds permit :)
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