Updated HDR Guide

18 Oct 2002
Nr. Liverpewl
I've updated my HDR Guide to include more information on the options in Tone Mapping, some example settings, and such. Its better written now too.

Enjoy :)
Thanks mate (Meant to comment last night, sorry)

This thread isn't getting enough love.

Will be a big help in the future.

Cheers :)
Thank you :)

I keep meaning to get round to trying to make and HDR image, so I'll definately be working through this to give it a go.
Great guide cy, it sure helps us HDR noobs
Its only been up a few days and its now no.1 at Google for "hdr guide" :eek: I'd love to know how that happened :)
hoodmeister said:
It's cos ** pr0. Liek.

There is that ;) I've updated the guide with info on how to make a HDRI from an actual RAW file instead of TIFFs and the results of using JPGs instead of TIFFs.
cyKey said:
There is that ;) I've updated the guide with info on how to make a HDRI from an actual RAW file instead of TIFFs and the results of using JPGs instead of TIFFs.

what would we do without you?? :p

thanks again Pete
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