Updated iPhone to IOS8, using up bandwidth when plugged in and on wifi



18 Oct 2002
Updated my iPhone 4s to ios8 last night and have noticed that when the phone is plugged in to a power socket and wifi is on it's hammering the wifi with something, but I've no idea what.

I've checked all the settings that I can see and nothing is set to update in the background, no apps running, yet checking the traffic flow on my router I can see the phone is maxing out out internet connection (it's only 1.5Mbps so not that hard to do).

Unplugging the phone from the power stops it.

Nw I've seen this behaviour when the devices have an ios update pending it downloads in the background on devices when they are plugged in and on wifi (which is annoying in itself), but the device is up to date so what is it actually doing?

Any ideas??
OSX has number of "snitch" connections running in the background, most are to do with "calling home" services - the "Find my iPhone", iCloud, anonymous statistics, pre-caching localised adverts etc. Download netstat app and you'll be able to see what and which severs your phone is polling for or sending data to.

On a related note all iPhones have one slightly more odd, unexplained locator connection exchanging very small amount of data (few bytes to few kb at a time), present even when all cloud services are disabled - it is always running on cellular stack, and it's present even when Wifi is enabled. In short, it means a)your mobile data radio is never idle and it keeps jumping masts looking for better data speed, so it eats more battery when on Wifi than it has to b)nobody knows WTF it is sending.
Yeah I have everything turned off pretty much and it is annoying that it's still obviously doing stuff.

I left it for a while and it did just stop, no idea what it was up to.

Just frustrating when I'm on a naff connection as it as and the phone then decides to hog all the bandwidth :p
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