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From various early benchmarks, it seems that Kabylake has some really minor performance gains. Maybe like 2 fps in games. However, as it's new there will be an early adopter premium, so will cost more than it should at first.
If I were you, I would go for
It's not on offer at the moment, but 8 pack said (on page 6) that the offer is returning...
"But we are bringing it back on the 28th of December in limited numbers"
That's what I would buy. Skylake overclocked seems to be quite similar to Kabylake overclocked, but that deal is completely unbeatable on price. An i5 3570k isn't really capable of 4k at playable fps. I would also perhaps wait a bit before changing from 980ti to a 1080, as although not super closer they aren't that far. AMD's upcoming GPU's in early next year may prompt Nvidia to release their 1080ti cards which are rumored to be in the works. Who knows, maybe AMD's new gpu's might even beat the 1080/1080ti.
Below is the 'leaked' performance of an i7 7700k:,4836.html
iv already got the 1080 coming. it was offerd to me as a replacement for my other 980ti in my rig that malfunctioned on me. and since they didient stock 980tis anymore i was offerd the 1080 instead. unfortunatly i had to send it back as there was noticible signs of damange on the rad and the screws along with the holes did not sem to aline properly with the was an Inno3d watercooled card. so im waiting for the other replacment but as of now im still running a 980ti
Fair enough. 980ti/1080 plays 4k well, but I was assuming you were wanting to go for max settings 4k/60fps all the time sort of 4k.
yes i do thats why im wondering if i should go for a full upgrade motherbord cpu the works.. or just switch my i5 3570k to a i7 3770k and some faster memory
An i7 3770k can't do 4k properly either, and anyway I wouldnt bother with such a small upgrade anyway. To do 4k you will need a lot faster pc in general, so a lot faster CPU etc
hey all. sorry if this question has been asked before. i would want to game at 4k resolution..wondering if its worth sticking with my 3570k or upgrade to a new cpu and chipset entirely. im currently on a single 980ti but will be on a 1080 soon.
An i7 3770k can't do 4k properly either, and anyway I wouldnt bother with such a small upgrade anyway. To do 4k you will need a lot faster pc in general, so a lot faster CPU etc
Since when it's the CPU that's responsible for resolution.? The only limiting factor would be pci-e gen 2 if anything.
If your CPU can do 60fps at 720p then it will do it just as well at 4K if the GPU have enough power.
No, it doesn't work like that at all. The CPU bottleneck would be so large that although 4k games could be rendered, it wouldn't be anywhere near a playable fps (60fps). CPU power does definitely determine game performance.
I haven't seen it mentioned.
Are you overclocking your i5 3570k ?
If you are what are you running it at ?
If it is anything over 4.5GHz then don't bother upgrading the CPU at the moment, wait till after Zen arrives to see what happens to pricing across the board.
he ses there is no point in getting anything less then a 6800k as it will be a bottleneck...i have no idea if he is right though. im no expert.
The only popular game right now that's benefiting from more than 4 cores is Battlefield 1 MP so I can't see how anything less than 6800K will bottleneck 1080 SLI. In 99.9% of games 6700K will outperform 6800K even when running TITAN XP SLI.
6800K hasn't got enough pcie lanes to run both cards at 16x pcie.
i was running it at 4.5 to start wtih but earlyer this year my system started crashing and causing iv had to dial it down and leave it at 4.3ghz as that seems to be as stable as i can get it. and my temps were hot. being 5 years using this now.maybe more
With the slow improvement in ipc and clockspeed, I'm thinking things will become more and more multi threaded.
I reckon a 6800k would be a better long term prospect than a 6700k.
I'm pretty much on the fence between getting a 6800k now and waiting for the 7700k.
well i was originally planing to wait for kaby lake.