Upgrade Guidance - Bang for Buck

21 Jan 2010
Hi folks,

Any sense in upgrading bits of this? I am upgrading to a 34" Alienware monitor and predicting some issues. I mainly play CS2, but also play Battlefield very occasional (not for about 9 months tho lol).

Anything that may make a noticeable impact?

Core i7 4790k @ 4Ghz
MSI Gaming 7 Motherboard
32GB RAM - can't seem to find the receipt as to what this is
AMD RX 5700 XT 8GB (but it is a 5700 flashed to XT)

I hadn't realised quite how old the CPU is (2015!!). Perhaps I am due a full refresh...
21 Jan 2010
Do you have a budget in mind and I assume the monitor is 4K?

A full refresh would most likely be the better option but I would suggest waiting for the ne AMD processors at the end of the month that are due out.

Do you have a budget in mind?

How old is the PSU?
No budget - only if it is really worth it. I'll keep close to the AMD news; I first had an AMD Athlon 1600 and upgraded to a 3000+ so excited to go back to Team AMD.

5700 XT looks like it does alright at 1440p & 4K, though ofc it would depend what framerate is acceptable to you:

These are outdated tests, but suggests your CPU is also likely to be fine if the Ryzen 2600 can maintain an average of 200 fps (since the 4790K has a similar single thread and I don't think CS2 uses 6 cores?):
I wonder what a 5700 flashed to XT is; I think I am few cores down or something! CS:2 is such a light game. Guess I could stay put and be fine :)
21 Jan 2010
You could always try your current setup with the new monitor and then go from there
I think that may be the plan. I predicted an issue but knew the CS2 game is a bit low tax. I am just surprised I bought this bad boy in 2015 and it is still going really strong.

The 2015 upgrade was following the i7 920 which was 2009. I thought that was good innings!
21 Jan 2010
It would be pretty close to those results, so I think it is doable with your new monitor.

I don't know about CS2 specifically, but I suspect if you did a meaningful upgrade of either component then you'd run into some major bottlenecking with the other one, so you'd have to be REALLY pushing the GPU @ 4K/max settings, for example, for me to say "go GPU!" and know that it'll help out.

The 5700 XT is roughly equivalent to a 6600, so on the AMD side you're looking at a 6750 XT (around £300) or 6800 non-XT (around £370) as a minimum really, but ideally something more like a 7900 GRE to make big gains and push forward your capability at high res gaming for the next 4-5+ years.

CPU, I'd say a minimum of a 7500F/7600 or a 12600K (not 13th/14th gen), but in older games and many newer ones, your 4790K will be holding on fine:
GPU was bought from OCUK in late 2019/early 2020 for just £260. Sounds like I hold fire until there is a game that really needs attention. Thank you!
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