Upgrade i5-8400

1 Dec 2020

Another upgrade question for you all please....

Currently running an i5-8400 on a B360 Aorus Gaming 3 MB with a GTX 1050 Ti, 16GB of Ram and SSD for OS and some games.

CPU is currently maxing out on games. (GTA, MS Flight sim, Rocket League, Call of Duty.......)

Was looking at i9-9900k but have read that the motherboard(Bios updated) is not ideal for that.

Could I go with the i9 for now and then change the MB later or should I switch to AMD as that would be cheaper to replace both.

Trying to keep it as cheap as possible (it's been a tough year!) but allowing for future upgrades.

Any recommendations welcome.

i9 seems like overkill, especially if the budget is tight. How about an i5 9600k? That would be a significant upgrade, and save you a few hundred compared to an i9.
Weakest link there is not the cpu its the 1050ti but if you want a upgrade the 9700 or k would be ideal . K version s is only for overclocking which you would also need a z series

9600k is still 6 cores and not big enough upgrade imo.

What resoloution you gaming at.

Thanks for the quick response.

It's running a 1060 sorry, not a 1050 (but that probably doesn't make much difference). It's on my boy's machine.

He tries to run everything as high as possible - many times we've had the conversation about lowering the resolution but it's a numbers game with his friends!

Would the i5-8400 be powerful enough to run a better GPU? It's normally at 100% now. If I was to change the GPU I'd probably go for a RTX 2070 super.

I'm running the 1050ti on a Ryzen 7 3700 and he was getting much better performance when he tried that, CPU was just ticking over. I don't use it for gaming.

Yes the budget is tight, but I'm looking to make a change that will last for a while. So I agree that moving to an i5-9600 would probably be a shorter term fix and he'd be looking to change that after a while.

The i9-9900K is probably the best that the motherboard will take.

The problem with these things is that you can always get something better for a few more ££££'s

Again, really appreciate your feedback. It all helps!
If he's trying to run everything maxed out the the 1060 is gonna struggle even more so if it's 3gb version.

2070 super is a strong gpu but not worth it as there are new gpu that beat that such as a 3070 which is on par with a 2080ti.

3060ti is due for release but availability is an issue with the gpu market for all cards.

Hold fire on the cpu it should be good enough but will be some what limiting depending on resolution.

Gpu upgrade makes,the most sense
Honestly given the market at the moment it might just be best to try and get a xbox series s with gamepass until you can pick up a gpu at true retail price again.

Cpu isn't the issue its the gpu but any significant upgrade is going to be 400ish

Another upgrade question for you all please....

Currently running an i5-8400 on a B360 Aorus Gaming 3 MB with a GTX 1050 Ti, 16GB of Ram and SSD for OS and some games.

CPU is currently maxing out on games. (GTA, MS Flight sim, Rocket League, Call of Duty.......)

Was looking at i9-9900k but have read that the motherboard(Bios updated) is not ideal for that.

Could I go with the i9 for now and then change the MB later or should I switch to AMD as that would be cheaper to replace both.

Trying to keep it as cheap as possible (it's been a tough year!) but allowing for future upgrades.

Any recommendations welcome.

A conundrum for sure! I feel your £100 non-overclockable mobo is causing an impasse here, and buying a still relatively expensive i7/i9 9xxx cpu only gets you so far. Still an i7 9700 will help with FS2020 for sure, and allow a gpu upgrade later without too many issues. A 2070S will be a big jump from 1060, but i would wait for latest mid-range cards to arrive.
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