Upgrade ideas please

18 Oct 2002
I'm starting a grad job soon so I'll have a bit more money coming in, so I'd like to upgrade my av system. I heard a Cyrus / B&W system the other week which sounded fantastic, which is part of the reason I want to upgrade. The main use is for watching DVDs.

Current setup:
28" Philips Widesreen
Yamaha DSP-A5
Tannoy MX4, MXC & M2.5
Paradigm PDR-10
Pioneer DV-575

The first thing I want to upgrade is the tv, to a 32" LCD, but I'm unsure about how I should go about upgrading the audio.

Should I buy a decent amp to replace what I've got? I thought about a second hand Denon, a 3805 perhaps? But would be pointless with the speakers I've got? What about adding to what I've got with a power amp?

But would I be better off getting some new speakers first? The amp does pretty much everything that I want. So perhaps new speakers would be better?
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