Upgrade in place Hyper-V server to Server?

18 Oct 2002
SX, unfortunately
Is this possible? I can't find anything concrete either way. Server running hyper-v server 2012 R2 that has 2 VMs running Server 2012 R2.

Seems I can't install the drivers for my video card to run Remote FX on a core installation so I need to change to a normal 2012 R2 install on the host. Can I upgrade in place without the hassle of taking the VMs off?

I don't mean I have a core install of Server 2012 R2 - I know I can upgrade to the GUI version, it's the Hyper-V server that is installed.
It is possible to upgrade from Hyper V server to 2012. Always take a backup first though.


Steps 1 and 2 is only for mission critical servers. You may need to check if Hyper V is not installed default directories though, otherwise it may overwrite the configuration. If it's all default, backup your configuration and VM files to another location on the hard disk.


Just to clarify http://www.aidanfinn.com/?p=14943

Would recommend backing up the Hyper V config files regardless, it appears to only apply to clustered Hyper-V servers or Master/Slave configs where that needs to be done.
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Fantastic thanks - I'd found that 2nd link but that is referring to Hyper -v 2012 to Hyper-v 2012 R2. But that first link looks the business.

I do have the VMs replicated just in case but I don't have sufficient licences to ACTUALLY fail over (this is my home setup). The whole box is bare metalled to an RDX cart so if I do bugger it up I should be ok.

I do this at home to learn more without knackering the critical stuff at work, but boy do I dig myself some holes :p
Nuts :(


The hard way it is then.
Might help you.


To convert from Server Core mode to Server with a GUI mode when the server was initially installed in Server Core mode

Determine the index number for a Server with a GUI image (for example, SERVERDATACENTER, not SERVERDATACENTERCORE) using this cmdlet: Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath <path to wim>\install.wim
Run Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra, Server-Gui-Shell –Restart –Source wim:<path to wim>\install.wim:<Index # from step 1>
Alternatively, if you want to use Windows Update as the source instead of a WIM file, use this Windows PowerShell cmdlet:
Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra,Server-Gui-Shell –Restart
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