Upgrade Options...

22 Aug 2004
East Sussex
Right first the bad news:

I currently have the following system.

Intel Pentium 4 3.4ghz(s478) 30 capper
1Gb of Geil PC3500 Golden Dragon RAM
GF4 ti4200 128mb AGP
Sound Blaster Audigy 5.1 sound card
Samsung Spinpoint PATA Hard drive 2mb cache 80gb
Antec Truepower 430w PSU
Lian Li pc60 aluminium case

It was a little better (until my 9800xt died :( ) and until i had to put my 160gig WD into another PC, but its good for browsing etc. I used to play a lot of games, but seeing as a gf4 isn't ideal for any source based games, I'd kinda stopped.

Now the good news:

I've started a new job so I have a little bit of money coming in. Now, bearing in mind that I feel a 3.4ghz P4 is still a pretty damn good chip (good overclocker too) I was thinking about an upgrade. There are 2 routes I could go down with my setup imo:
  • Buy a new AGP graphics card which will probably see me fine for another year or so, as well as maybe some more ram and storage.
  • Upgrade the motherboard to an Asrock mobo and s939 and go down the PCI-E Route. Then further upgradeability in the future is far easier.

Bearing in mind, i'm a HL2 fanboy and I'd be looking to run the game comfortably with lots of eyecandy at around 1280x1024(max). Any other releases coming up dont really interest me that much.

The top spend is anywhere from £300-£500.

Opinions Guys? :) :D

[edit: I've just discovered there are a few motherboards available which support both s478 & pci-express via the intel 915G Chipset. Does anyone have any experience with them? It could be a good choice for an upgrade (best of both worlds!)]
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Absomalutely said:
  • Buy a new AGP graphics card which will probably see me fine for another year or so, as well as maybe some more ram and storage.

Considering your budget, that would be the upgrade route that I would take. There is still an awful lot to be said for AGP.
If you budget is up to £500 then wouldn't that be enough to go down the PCI-E route. I'm no expert so happy to be corrected.
It would, but if you went down the PCI-E route then some money would have to be spent on getting a new mobo leaving only say £350 - £400 to spend n the gfx card depending what mobo you were to buy.

The bandwidth of AGP has not yet been exceeded and so except for the ability to use SLi, theres nothing a PCI-e card can do that an AGP card cant do jsut aswell.

So IMO you may aswell spend the whole budget on an AGP card and get the very best one available which would rival any non SLi PCI-e setup.
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