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Upgrade time - 4790k + 390 best option?

27 Nov 2010
Been reading and searching around all week as have luckily come into a bit of money and am looking to upgrade.

Gaming will be the most intensive thing I'll be using it for really.

Was strongly considering a 6600k, but after reading a lot of (mostly heated :P) threads, and working out pricing, I think the 4670k would be the better option as from my calculations I'd be saving around £100 due to the lower price and also not having to buy DDR4 RAM to go with it. And I gather DDR4 isn't any sort of significant upgrade over 3 for gaming?

The 390 was a much quicker decision, as been looking at it for a while, and don't think the 390x is worth the extra cost. 970 was a contender but think I'd be happier personally with the 390.

So, does my logic work out? Any other potential suggestions? Would Skylake be worth it?

Also, I'm not super up to date with what's around the corner in terms of new CPU's and GPU's. Any strong arguments for waiting for the next gen? What's the timeline looking like?
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The 4790k is a pretty decent chip for gaming, but only really comes into it's own in a few titles. And mainly when using sli/xfire which hyperthreading can help with. The 4690k is a good alternative.

****, typo. Meant the i5-4690k, not the i7. Won't have any need for an i7 really.
A decent choice, in an ideal world if buying a new setup id have easily reccomended the latest skylake chip. But as you have stated yourself. The price is quite high at present and the performance in gaming isnt that much better.

Yeah I was all but set on the i5-6600k, was excited to have the latest gen for once ha. But then when I saw all the 4690k arguments given by people, then totally up the price including having to buy more RAM, I think I'd rather save the £100/maybe put it towards a bit better GPU if I feel naughty? Over the very marginal gains in games.
I think if you get a reasonable Haswell setup then the savings are a no brainer

The fact you would need DDR4, Overpriced CPU whereas you could save that towards the GPU for not a lot more

Yeah looks like I can get an i5-4690k and a Gigabyte Z97X-SLI for £250, whereas the 6600k bundle is £309 plus would need say £50 spend on RAM.
So saving about £110 for what would be barely noticable gain in gaming right?

And that £110 could maybe go towards and SSD for the games (got OS on one already) or a better graphics card (although not sure if getting anything better than a 390 would be worth the cost for me personally).

Or could just have it as money left in the bank :)
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