Upgrade time - opinions please

6 Jan 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
Hi guys, its that magical time once again for my contract and was wondering what everyone thought was the best phone to get.

I fancied the N70 as Ive always had Nokias but also liked the look of the W800i especially for the mp3 capabilities as it would be great for on the train etc.

I nearly took the plunge and ordered the w800i but read a few posts on here about the joystick casuing problems?

So opinions are welcome as to what phone to upgrade to on t-mobile.

Thanks, Mark
I've had the w800i for about 2 months now and haven't noticed any problems with the joystick as yet however I had the k750i before this and found that after maybe 3 months the joystick became a little bit sticky when attempting to move in certain directions. Not a major problem but mildly irritating all the same.

It is a pretty good phone overall with clear menus, a decent camera(for a phone), good mp3 capabilities and a built in radio. The buttons are a little smaller than on the k750i which took a little bit of getting used to but I'd have to recommend it on balance :)
same here, my upgrade is today !!

about to call Vodafone and see what i can wangle from them :p

think i'm going to end up leaving them and going with 3. Have seen an offer with the LG u880 phone with 11 month free on a 12 month contract like 400 mins free 250 free text.

haven't seen many other phones that appeal to me :(
Xpander said:
Crikey, my upgrade was today as well! I'm with Vodafone and I wanted a W900, they wanted me to pay £129.99 for the handset, said I wasn't happy and was sent through to a different department where I was told I could have it for £49.99. A difference of £80 in literally two minutes!

what tariff btw, as best i got was 125 mins free and 250 text for £20 which is pretty pants compared to a lot of other offers i've seen
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