Upgrade tips/bottlenecking

15 Nov 2014
hi guys, i built my current system with your help so i was hoping to get some advice on how i can go about updating my build now that the next gen gpus are out.

I play a lot of occulus rift titles and spend a lot of time playing elite dangerous in VR so I'm ready to make a move to a gtx 1080ti, probably the founders addition as its smaller and i'm hoping it will fit where my gtx 970 did (have not measured yet). Also what do people think of the founders eddition vs the MSI/asus versions of the 1080ti?

current system (micro build) (runs vr addequately, most non vr/non ultra HD titles very well)
case: cooler master elite 130 mini itx
CPU: 4.00 gigahertz Intel Core i7-4790K
cooler:cooler master seidon 10m liquid cooler kit
+ modded an extra case fan into the side of the case.
gpu: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
ram: corsair vengenance 2x8gb ddr3
power suppy: Corsair CXM 430W Semi Modular 80+ Bronze Power Supply
ssd: crucial mx100 256GB
hd: 1tb hybrid

proposed build (hoping to run VR titles superbly)
case: cooler master elite 130 mini itx (will is fit?)
Board: ???
CPU: 4.00 gigahertz Intel Core i7-4790K (any point updgrading?)
cooler:cooler master seidon 10m liquid cooler kit
+ modded an extra case fan into the side of the case.
gpu: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 ti founders addition/ asus rog gtx 1080 ti
ram: corsair vengenance 2x8gb ddr3 (worth upgrading to ddr4?)
power suppy: Corsair CXM 430W Semi Modular 80+ Bronze Power Supply (would i need a 600W supply?)
ssd: crucial mx100 256GB
hd: 1tb hybrid

thanks for any tips. just trying to make a step up. Also does anyone know if I could sell my old 970 anywhere to put the money towards the 1080ti?

kind regards,
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