
18 Sep 2020
Hi I built a decent computer a few years ago but have no idea if it’s any good now? Just wondering without changing to much what I could upgrade to help it run games possibly better than a ps5 etc? I currently haven’t got a graphics card because I never used it to run games just to render out videos, anyone’s help would be amazing!
Motherboard: Azrock Z77 Extreme 4
CPU: i5 3750k 3.40 ghz can be overclock to 4.10
RAM: 8gb Corsair
SSD: 500gb
Power: 550w
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IMHO you would need a new motherboard, cpu and ram as well as a reasonable graphics card to catch up a ps5. In many ways it might be better to buy a console
IMHO you would need a new motherboard, cpu and ram as well as a reasonable graphics card to catch up a ps5. In many ways it might be better to buy a console
Ah **** didn’t realise it was that outdated, ive bought a ps5. Was just going to stick a graphics card into this to make it a bit better. But cheers mate
A 1660 super would able you to play games at 1080p medium to high settings.

Also you would need to add another 8 gb of ram.
No idea what that means, yeah I’ll buy more ram, may be pushing it but could you link what I’d need? Or just say the full name cheers
New system idea.

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £743.97 (includes shipping: £11.10)

Savings can be made. The graphics card can be downgraded to a 1660 super as mentioned by @mickyflinn saving £60, The ryzen 5 can be had about £30 cheaper and you could forgo the nvme dard drive and stick to the ssd you already own saving almost another £100 total. Use the stock cooler to save money.
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Thanks, currently got Corsair ram will just another 8gb do? Sounds stupid but would this run better than a PS4
Do you have one stick of 8gb or 2 x 4gb, you ideally want the same.

Pc gaming is diffrent to console gaming because of the hardware used., but you can do slot more with a pc.

If your streaming games then your system may struggle but it's not something i truly know.
Really appreciate the help, I’m not much of a pc streamer but do appreciate a smooth running system. I’ll look into overhauling the lot, would this mean wiping both drives as well and reinstalling windows etc.
Do you have one stick of 8gb or 2 x 4gb, you ideally want the same.

Pc gaming is diffrent to console gaming because of the hardware used., but you can do slot more with a pc.

If your streaming games then your system may struggle but it's not something i truly know.
Two 4gb I’ll buy two 8gb now
@snips86x I assume you meant to spec a 16gig kit not an 8 gig of ram on your build?

With only 4 cores and 8 gig of ram (current build) you would struggle to play and stream anything with good frame rates.

You would be best to do a fresh install of windows on the ssd but dont need to do anything to the 1tb if its just used as storage.
@snips86x I assume you meant to spec a 16gig kit not an 8 gig of ram on your build?

With only 4 cores and 8 gig of ram (current build) you would struggle to play and stream anything with good frame rates.

You would be best to do a fresh install of windows on the ssd but dont need to do anything to the 1tb if its just used as storage.

Oh rip! Yes, it was a quick one before jumping on a conf call lol.
A 1660 super would able you to play games at 1080p medium to high settings.

Also you would need to add another 8 gb of ram.
I have this CPU - a different Z77 mother board with 8GB and upgraded to a GTX 1660 SUPER 9 months ago.

It made a big difference and meant I could play Red Dead on good settings.

I am going to build a new PC soon as of course my PC is well out of date, but this was good as a stop gap.
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