Upgrades to go with the RTX 3080 on order

11 Feb 2018
Hey up,

Thought I'd drop some details of some recent upgrades I've done whilst I'm waiting for my RTX 3080 Asus TUF.

I built the PC (my first ever PC build) back in January 2018. Here's how it looked:





So the first problem with upgrading to the 3080 was it was never going to fit. The TUF card is 300mm long whereas the 1080Ti SC2 is only 270mm long and there's not 30mm free at the end of the card.

So new case time. I decided to ditch the Fractal define C and re-case it with a Lian Li Lancool II Mesh.

Whilst I was at it I swapped out the Evga Supernova 750w P2 with a 1000w T2.




And that's were I'm at... waiting patiently for the 3080 from OCUK. I've also ordering some custom individual sleeved cabling for the MOBO, CPU and a bridged cable for the card. I'll post some more pics when I have the card and cables fitted.

I generally hate white coloured electronic goods (PS4 for e.g.) but that case looks lovely!

Me too actually. I'm not usually keen on the white electronics and wish the PS5 came in black too. I had originally ordered a black version of the case, then I found the white version cheaper and I saw a few vids online and thought it looked pretty smart so changed my order. I think the black inside the case helps a lot. The rear is pretty cool too as it's also a hinged tempered glass panel and it has these bolt-on sheet metal pieces that help hide all the cables. I'll include a pic of this next time.

Overall I'm pretty impressed with the design - key points I've noted from the switch over:
  • Build quality is really nice - I'd say it's on par with the Fractal and it's surprisingly heavy... "Heavy is good.... heavy is reliable"
  • Airflow is much better - the case gets really good airflow reviews
  • The AIO cooler is now working in push-full fan config. thanks to the 3 fans on the front so even better cooling
  • There's bags of space in it to fit larger hardware - i.e the longer graphics card PSU
  • The added space also makes it easier to build in
  • I don't feel it's much larger on my desk compared to the Define C
  • White is a nice change over black but it's not too white

I'm looking forward to getting the new cables for it now.... at least it's something to look forward to in the wait for the 3080.
Cheers guys. I got my wait number for the 3080 TUF non OC today... I'm 1203 in line for that card so I'm in for quite the wait :(. It looks like I'll be getting some more use out of the trusty 1080Ti for a while!
Looks very nice.
Ive got that case ready to build.

So have you got the 3 case fans , and then the radiator and the 2 AIO fans running?
Looks very nice.
Ive got that case ready to build.

So have you got the 3 case fans , and then the radiator and the 2 AIO fans running?

Nice - have you built yours yet?

Well I've got 3 intake fans on the front panel pushing air through the AIO cooler and then 2 AIO fans pulling air through the cooler..... then I've got 2 fans above the mobo exhausting and one on the rear of the case also exhausting.

So counting the 2 fans on the graphics card there's 10 in total and one pump on the AIO lol.
Yeah only reason I went Ventus as Trio wouldn't fit, it will still be a squeeze.

I had to re-case as I knew there was no way I could get any of the cards to work in my current case... even the Founders Edition.

Do you need to use that triple connecter or you can use one from psu that splits into 2x8pin?

I don't think the card will work without 3x 8 pin pcie cables. I treated myself to some custom cables to keep it tidy.

Well... It turns out I'm as impatient as I thought I was. She's in!




That's my weekend sorted... the Mrs will be happy! haha
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@kins888 how did you find the case to build in? I have the performance version sitting at home waiting for me to get back from work and was wondering what it was like to build in, if there was any hints or tricks or any annoying things that you found.
@kins888 how did you find the case to build in? I have the performance version sitting at home waiting for me to get back from work and was wondering what it was like to build in, if there was any hints or tricks or any annoying things that you found.

Really easy to be honest mate there's loads of space it it. I'm trying to think of tips for you but I'm struggling as it's pretty straight forward really. Drop me a PM if you get stuck / have any questions though.
That's lovely and I hope you have a lot of fun with it. Some finishing touches to consider: a 90 degree adapter for the 24 pin power connector, three 180 degree adapters for the GPU, a SATA cable with a 90 degree connector, a 90 degree or 180 degree connector for the EPS cable, and some grilles for the top and rear fans.
That's lovely and I hope you have a lot of fun with it. Some finishing touches to consider: a 90 degree adapter for the 24 pin power connector, three 180 degree adapters for the GPU, a SATA cable with a 90 degree connector, a 90 degree or 180 degree connector for the EPS cable, and some grilles for the top and rear fans.

Thanks a lot - I'm really happy with it. Thanks for the suggestions too - I'll give them some thought. I think the sata cable you are referring to is actually the USB3 cable - I've re-routed it now as it was looking strained coming out of the left side of the cable entry panel so I've given it a longer route from the right side... it looks better to me. The cables I don't like are the cables for the Kraken. I'm also annoyed I've had to route one of fan cables to an inboard header on the motherboard (the one to the bottom left of the pump).

Another thing that bugs me is the AIO pipes are touching the end of the graphics card. I've got a Strix OC on order and when that comes I might look to design a bracket that mounts to the end of the graphics card that holds the tubes and 3D print it. I'll have to have a think about what else I could 3D print to make it cleaner too.

Edit - I'm just looking at it now and another idea I have for a 3D print is a cover for the underside of the PCB that mounts the case usb's, switches etc. That could be neat :)

I quite fancy doing a LCD display to gauge temps etc also so potentially a 3D printed mount/housing for that too - that could be a nice little project.

Last idea.... I'm tempted to go vertical mount on the graphics card. Can anyone recommend a decent bracket? I've seen Cooler Master do one and Lian Li also but I want something solid.
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I think the sata cable you are referring to is actually the USB3 cable

I'm speaking about the cable immediately below the ATX connector. You can get 90 degree adapters for USB 3 cables too (on the left below). They really help with cable strain.


Here are the 180 degree PCIE adapters


One is left-handed, the other right-handed, and also available in 6 pin versions.

In use, with grilles:

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