
30 May 2004
Right my system is listed bellow can anyone think of any good upgrades?
I've just got paid and feel like spending on something...

Current Rig:
-AMD X2 4400+ (Artic cooler)
-2 GB Corsair XMS3200 cas2
-Asus A8ne Sk939
-Powercolor x1800xt 512mb
-Creative Fatality xfi
-250 GB Samsung SATA 2 hd
-Analouge TV card (Leadtek)
-Tagan 530 watt psu
-Samsung DVD drive
-Samsung CD-RW Drive
-Chembro Gaming Bomb Case (Original version)

Any Ideas, dont really want to format so nothing to over the top,
Cheers :D
How much do you want to spend? I can't see anything that is crying out for an upgrade but you could get a better clocking motherboard such a DFI although that would necessitate a re-install most likely. You could get a nicer looking case but that is personal preference. I would however suggest a DVDRW as they are so cheap now and can write to pretty much any CD/DVD format, try the NEC 4571 :)
What screen have you got?

Perhaps look at getting a bigger one... or going dual monitors... or getting a projector or something. :cool:
hmm could do with a new case this one has seen me through 2 builds now, DVD-RW would be cool; heard good things about Plextor?

Also my screen is a Viewsonic VX724 17"; not really got room for another one and only got it like 1 month ago so i dont really want to replace it just yet.
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