Upgrading from a 550D

10 Dec 2007
Morning, I'm looking for some advice on camera upgrades. I've got an old Canon 550D with the kit lens and a 40mm 2.8 which was a gift a few years ago. I'm considering an upgrade, ideally something with better autofocus, more dynamic range and a fully articulating screen - I think in these areas, the 550D is really showing it's age.

Ideally I'd like to stick with Canon but I'm also considering the Fujifilm XT-200 as I like the classic look and the reviews that I've read are good. I also like the X100V but I'd like to be able to change the lens when I need to.

It looks like the options <£1k for upgrading and staying with Canon are very limited with just the 250D and 850D the only real options. Would I see much of an upgrade with either of those bodies? Are there any 2nd hand bodies I should keep an eye out for?
Wonder if you're better off investing in some better glass, the 550D I think is plenty fine for shooting both people and landscapes. The things you've mentioned you think the 550D is aging in and the reasons you've given for looking at an upgrade:
Better autofocus - unless you're shooting moving people or sports, 550D is capable. Sure it doesn't have eye-autofocus but I never really had too much trouble without it.
More dynamic range - camera on a tripod to shoot landscapes and you can bracket if needed. Or invest in a good filter system. Maybe off-camera flash for shooting people?
Fully articulating screen - not needed for any of the above.

Just playing devil's advocate here - people are quick to chase a better camera body, but its usually the other bits that get you the better results in my experience.

Thanks @Spleen Sauce. That sounds like good advice to me. Maybe I'll give it another go and look at some better glass and see how we go.
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