Upgrading from Athlon 3200+ and 9800pro

23 Aug 2005
Cheadle, Cheshire
hi all....

am looking at upgrading the above and was looking at the following....

CPU - 3700+ San Diego (Although i dont know what these opterons are about and could go for one of those) Approx £140-£150 spend

GPU - Was initially looking at the X850 series although in the weeks ive been saving up offers have been a plenty so am looking at the X1800 series Approx £150-£200 spend

Motherboard - need one to compliment the above....

RAM - same as above....

it will be on a 17" TFT at 1280x1024 and will be for games and a bit of encoding....

could anyone point me in the right direction....

cheers :D
thanks for the replies....

will the 3800+ x2 be as good as the 3700+ SD????....

and is the obvious choice the X1800 at this weeks special price????....

the RAM i have is generic....but would want 2GIG....

and what motherboard compliments this CPU and GPU????....

i have never overclocked but would give it a try....

cheers :D
thank you as always for your advice....

i have never attempted any overclocking although would love to try although it has to be stable 110% as if stock whilst running games etc....

so with that in mind and my above posts....which motherboard to compliment any of the above suggestions (3700+ or 3800x2)....

would also a 3000+ be a major reduction in quality and cause a bottleneck....just its a few quid cheaper....

cheers :D
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Get either the 3700+ or X2 3800+ (preffered choice if have the extra cash & would like the CPU to be a longer term investment).

As for graphics go for the X1800XT 256MB or if have the extra cash the X1800XT 512MB (if you play at or above a res of 1280x 1024 & AA/Af).

For Mobo get either Asus A8R32-MVP Deluxe Crossfire or
Abit AT8 ATI RD480 Crossfire depending on budget.

For ram Geil Value is pretty good.

thank you all again....

will these motherboards allow me to overclock slightly????....

cheers :D
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