Upgrading full system, choices choices choices !!

20 Jan 2009
Ok Guys n Girls, I am getting a bit tired of my old HAF 932 1st edition case and all the dust I have to clean out of that every month or so, leave it longer and its like a snow blizard inside it, lol, and thats with the latest magnetic micromesh filters too, its a pain in the neck and I'm getting tired of the whole thing :(

Ive been at this PC buying and upgrading since basically windows 95 came out up until present day, if you look at my signature you will see that I have a very good system as it is just now, the only thing I havent included in my signature is the psu which is a coolermaster 1000watt and my monitor is a good quality 42inch HD LED Screen as it wouldnt all fit in my signature etc.
So now, I am willing to keep this computer as a spare, and I am thinking seriously about upgrading to a full new gaming Rig, or quite possibly a laptop if it can seriously compete with a good gaming rig, my thinking about the gaming laptop is that it can plug into the 42 inch screen and hopefully also develop enough graphic power to run the only types of games I play which are 99% of the time FiFA 13 (soon to be fifa 14) and some driving games, apart from those games on full resolution settings I dont play any other games.
I absolutley hate the dust in the machine I have and it is really stressfull having to clean it out even just a few times a year as you know to do it properley it means it involves taking it all apart to get right into the hard to access fans etc, its a pain !, and I'm getting too old and frustrated to be bothered with it as much, I dont mind once in a while, but this thing is like nearly none stop as its total high air flow even with the filters as I said.
I know there are lots of items in my current machine that do not need upgraded that I can use in the new system, so that will save me a lot of money, things like the graphics card, the SSD, the mechanical sata drives, and I dont need an operating system, I can install that myself, so theres lots of money that can be saved there.
I would LOVE a dust free system that keeps cool, and also a pre overclocked system too so that I can get the warranty with it, I can overclock myself but with the warranty there is piece of mind.
I would like a Great case that cuts out most dust (if possible), great cooling (but not an open water cooling system, that would have to be sealed), and a very good motherboard too which would be able to take onboard the latest and best Haswell cpu that is factory overclocked to get that piece of the warranty (I dont mean the extreme edition cpu as thats a good chip but not what I can afford). & possibly a new psu too although its not 100% required but as ive had that psu for approx 4 years it might be a good idea to replace that too.
And heres the bottom line, going with all that I have told you guys, It may turn out a laptop is the best option, I dont know as laptops has never been my thing, or it could be a Good gaming Rig PC ?
But........I would "like" to try and spend approx round about the £1000 area.
I am sorry guys for making this message long, but I think I need to explain these things in detail to make sure I get it all correct etc and I hope you can make some good decisions for me as I am tired looking at all the options and I have to admit, the overclockers site I find is not that great at letting you fully customise all components etc which is a shame, but its still a great website.
If you find there is anything that you prefer not to talk about in the open forum then please send me a private message.

Thank you very much guys for your time and patience :)
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anyone ? Its much appreciated guys as I'm looking to do this "hopefully" within the next day or two or maybe over the weekend etc, thanks :)
OC will build any parts, just phone or email and they will reply, thats all i did, your old spec tbh is a good one, changing to a full new system might not get you what your after on a 1k budget either, as if you add up your not so older parts even today they still come to a good total.

my views as well are my own, but i wouldn't go down the laptop route either for gaming, price, power, size, for me the price for a good one is too high, the screens too small, the power still not as good as a full desktop unless your running on mains etc, and even then still not 100% same as desktop chips running at same speed even...

for me a good case with a top end bundle, with 16gb fitted as a option http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=BU-165-OE&groupid=43&catid=2512&subcat=2604

and a good vga of your choice, yes will take you over your budget, but be bit faster that what you have already got, by how much might be only a few % as well, 5/10% ?

so it's a judgement call if it's worth it or not, from a i5 then yes a worthy upgraded, from your setup, well thats your call, for me, no i wouldn't, i'd wait until something worth upgrading to comes out from your spec, and as of yet, you'd be into a long wait.

Thanks very much mate, its appreciated, :), but I would like a full system rather then just a motherboard bundle, plus I think my graphics card is more than capable of anything that any game can throw at it for even maybe 2 years, I like your suggestions though mate ;)

I was looking at the x79 chips and they seem to clock better than the haswell by the looks of things, or am I just looking at the safe-ish levels that they recommend ?

I am not sure at all as its early days with the haswell but I know it newer tech than the x79, doesnt make it better though, but is there something the haswell has got that the x79 chips havent ?
well i have the i7 same as you, and for me the Haswell doesn't offer me anything worth the upgrade, so what i was trying to say is save your cash tbh.

if your system does what you want it to do, then you dont need a newer one, im the same atm, i7 is as good as it gets and also have the latest card so apart from you wanting a newer case etc i'd stay with your not so old system, my case is 7 years old, but they haven't released a replacement which is better as yet so again i'll stick with what i already have, for you there is plenty of cases out there, but much better im not sure as you already have a great case,so which ones i'd say upgrade or change to im sorry to say i have no idea

Thanks again mate :)

You ever get that itch though you just want something brand new and fancy and sparkling clean, lol ?

I'm so sick of cleaning out this HAF 932 (1st edition case) and it has the best of filters on it too, for me to keep it sparkling clean I would need to clean it once a week, its crazy, and I dont live in a filthy house either, its as clean as can be, only problem is we have laminated flooring and them alone cause lots of dust as your probably aware :(
is everyone in agreement with zakblood ?

I.E - I would be better just trying to have the patience and cleaning this stupid thing out ?

Is there any better way I can stop the dust going in as much like with disabling fans etc or will it just run super hot then, I have explained what I am using above, so that gives you guys a good idea etc ? cheers.

cheers mate, but thats what I already use as my filters as I explained, dust is just dust unless you clean the heck out of it every week if you want it sparkling etc, I know its fine to leave it a while and let some dust gather, but over years and years in this game it just gets very very boring, if I was a millionaire I would just buy a new pc every time the thing needed cleaned, either that or I would have a pro come in and do it for me, lol.
Buy a new case then?

yea I thought about that too man, but its just cause I am getting to old and grumppy now, lol, that I am starting to get to the stage I hate having to build systems, it does my head in, and thats the reason why I hate even having to clean the thing out too :(, these gaming rigs are very very heavy as you know and it takes me hours to do a full good/perfect cleaning job as everything/fans etc need stripped out and wiped down etc, its such a pain :(

Thats why I mentioned is there a laptop that can compete with a good gaming rig with the latest overclocked cpu etc, bearing in mind I only play games on full resolution settings like fifa 13 which will be soon fifa 14 and driving games too, so it defo needs some grunt if you know what I mean ?

It would then be plugged into my 42 inch HD LED TV and thats that, and from having an old laptop from years and years ago, its never ever once needed cleaned at all, there may be dust inside, I dunno, but its always worked perfect anyway, so thats why I thought a great lappy.

Is the lappy just a no-no or is it quite a possibility ? I'm not sure, lappys are something ive ever been into, thats why I said, the one I have is years n years old and only used for maybe in bed checking email or facebook, apart from that I have no knowledge of laptops.

let me know.

cheers :)
still no one think theres a laptop that can compare with what I own now then ?

Or preferably better I mean*

Let me know a.s.a.p please, all comments appreciated as usual, thank you. :)

bearing in mind that the laptop when not used as a laptop would be used as a pc and connected to my 42inch HD LED screen.
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