Upgrading laptop CPU?

25 Jul 2005
How easy is it to upgrade a laptop CPU, i'm guessing quite difficult? I have seen a discounted dell that is perfect for me other than the poor (relative) CPU and was wondering if it would be possible to upgrade it to something like a T7250 (it is a T5240)? I'm guessing it will void the warranty as well?
all depends on the case design, some have a panel on the base that gives access to the cpu some require a full strip down, if you can download a service pdf for that model it will make stripping it much easier, you will need mainly a number 1 and 0 screwdriver and a case splitter of some description, flaat plastic blade
got any more info? as in chipset/graphics/memory it takes etc, as people can tell you what the chipset is, and then from that what it'll likely be able to take CPU wise. infact if you can find bios updates, you may find out whether adding penryn support or 800FSB cpu's were included in more recent bios.
It's a Dell XPS M1330, they sell both chips in the same range, so I assume it will just fit in without any worry? I don't actually know what the chipset or any of the technical bits at the moment.

I'll have a look at the case design and see if it is accessable or not too. :)
oh in that case then yea mate it should be a matter of working out how to get into the CPU area and somehow removing the old cpu and putting in your spanking new one :)
EDIT: just might say that if your board can take penryns you might want to grab the low end T8100 (2.1Ghz 800FSB) as i believe it probably would be able the same price if not cheaper than a T7250
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