upgrading memory

12 Dec 2004
the south
hi all

my mate has a very cheap dell pc, which only has 256mb of ram. he find it to be annoyingly slow, so he wants to upgrade to 1gb of ram.
i was thinking of getting him the cheap 1GB ocuk value ram.taking out the 256 that is already in there and putting in the 1GB, will this work ok. does all ram work with every motherboard.
also is it just the case of taking the old ram out and putting the new stuff in, i dont have to install any thing?
also is there any thing i should watch out for?

hope some one can help
cheers for your comments guys, i will have to take a closer look at the motherboard i think, dont want to waste his money,
he did phone dell to ask how much it would cost him to upgrade to 1GB or ram, it was more than double what ocuk charge.
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