Upgrading my PC

18 Feb 2006
Hey im upgrading my PC from: AMD Athlon 2800+, 512mb Ram and 9800 Pro 128mb. I have around £600 to spend and need a Motherboard, Processor, RAM and a Graphics card. I want the graphics card to be good enough to play CoD 2 smoothly and also the other games that may arrive. Also i would like my whole pc to last around 2+ years.

Can you please help me to decide. So far ive come up with either AMD 64 3700 and 1GB PC 3200 Ram and a 7800 GT OC. Or a AMD 64 4000, 1GB PC3200 Ram and a 6800 GS (PCI-E).

Thanks for any of the help,



At the moment i have erm.. i think a 450W Q-Tec or something. Also ive been told NVidea is the way to go nowdays? the 7800 GT's? Im also thinking whether i want a higher CPU and a lower graphics card. Or am i thinking the wrong way? Im also thinking about a new monitor..but maybe later. At the moment i have a 15" TFT (which is good..as its close to my face).

Thanks for any replies.
I dont want to take the risk of OC'ing it. (Never Tried any OC'ing) :(


I play Games and use it for Graphics Design mostly. Want to play CoD 2 and all the newer games that might appear.
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Ive found a bundle of the 3700 for £292. Its the 3700 processor. 1GB PC3200 Corsair Value Ram and then a EPoX Motherboard. But, i dont know whether i want to do that or not. The only reason i was thinking of doing this is because the X1800XT is £306 and i can JUST about afford that. If i use this bundle...
Well is there much difference between the 1800XL and the XT? What would you say is the best for the money around £200? For around 2+ years.
haha :D could i get a cheaper motherboard? or is that a good motherboard? because £600 is getting slightly high ;).
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