Upgrading/Replacing Server Drives

22 Feb 2007
I need to replace the harddrives in an ML110 G5 for bigger drives.

Its currently configured as Raid 1 (2x 500GB drives) and I need to upgrade/replace them with 2x 1Tb's without reinstalling Windows Small BUsiness Server 2008.

My plan is to use Backup Exec System Recovery 2010, take an image. Wip out the drives and put in the 2x TB's raid 1 again and try and recover the image.

This sound ok?
I am using the embedded controller.

So if I stick in the 2x 1Tb drives on the spare sata slots, build a 2nd array, boot into windows, will that see them in the Disc Managment? Never thought of that, I'd sooner replace them though, I think the current HD's are on their last legs, it'll be more peace of mind.

kippermitten - I think you can only do this if the controller supports it.
Test worked as follows.

-SBS 2008, 2x HD's - Raid 1.
-BESR 2010
-Netgear Readynas (2x500GB HD's- Raid1).

Installed BESR2010, backed-up over the network to the Nasbox.
Pulled the old drives out, installed new HD's, booted into raid, created raid 1.
Rebooted with BESR2010 recovery cd, installed raid driver, mapped drive to nasbox.
Carried out a restore.
Booted server, bingo, all working. I now have extra unallocated space.
Extended 2nd partition (data), now has loads of space.

Things went well, only problem I had was, it wasn't my test server (ML110 G5) like the customers, it was a Fujitsu Primagy 100. Good thing is I do have another job coming up where I need to so it on same hardware.
Another thing is it only left me with unallocated space, I now need to see if I can extent the partitions. I can just move data and remap network drives but it I needed more room for the OS it would have left me with another task.
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