Zen2 works better with higher speed RAM. I believe I saw somewhere that the sweet spot for optimal performance was at 3600mhz, so it may be worthwhile for you to go for that.
There are some decent gains to be had upto the max you can run, which is around 3800mhz with the infinity fabric at the same speed.
3000mhz will work fine but I'd be tempted to overclock it to get a little more out of it.
I wouldn't upgrade the RAM initially.
Zen2 definitely performs better with higher RAM speed, so it might be worth checking some comparisons online if you can find any to see just how much difference it can make. Depends on how much you value the extra performance, but I'd assume if you werown a chip like the 3900x then performance is a priority so its worth a shout in my opinion.
Thanks guys! looks like another £200 cost to the build then![]()
If you can overclock your current kit to 3600mhz then you might not even need to spend the extra on new ram!
I'll give it a go but not hopeful![]()
Look at the potential gains relative to your usage case, if you’re really looking at a significant improvement, then go for it - you can offset the cost with the sale of your existing RAM, so it’s not going to be the full £200.
it hit 3200 no problem i couldn't get it to post above it though
I did yes but I couldn’t even find half the settingsDid you use the Ryzen ram calculator? I built up a 2600 system the other day and just punched in the numbers for 3400 cl14 and it worked straight away. It's quite a lot of settings to change but it's very exact changing all sort of settings I've never heard of.
I did yes but I couldn’t even find half the settings
I've just noticed that this whole thread is just today. Are you trying to overclock the RAM on your 6700k system to see what it can do first before deciding if you need new ram for a 3900x?