uPlay multiplayer connection issues with a friends who's on the same ISP, Virgin Media, any fixes?

29 May 2014
Hey Guys,

For some reason when me and my mate who are both with Virgin Media try to join each other's game in uPlay (far cry 4, ghost recon etc..) we can never connect to each other.

Trying the same game with another mate who is on BT though and we can connect straight away. The last time we've been able to connect was when WatchDogs first came out and it took a lot of tries to get through and could only join a public match, not a private game together.

I don't think I can pinpoint this to uPlay, but any help would be appreciated.

can you and your mate who can't connect through uplay connect on any other games? it could be that the NAT is set to strict on you mates router.
I agree with the "don't play uPlay games" comment.

However, one or more of you could try using a VPN so that you're essentially cutting the VM network out of the equation.
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