upload error

31 May 2006
West London
[03:31:19] + Attempting to get work packet
[03:31:19] - Connecting to assignment server
[03:31:50] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[03:31:50] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[03:32:20] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[03:32:20] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[03:32:20] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[03:32:20] - Error: Attempt #6 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.

currently have three threads doing this???? :confused:
and they are taking up lots of bandwidth :( can't even start a new thread as same message appears!!!

started yesterday anyone else having problems?
The WUs WAIT of the perticular server is Red - don't know what that means but coloured areas normally mean somthings wrong aka 'server down yellow'
So all you folders out their with 775 & 776's watch out (and I've got an office full :mad: )

edit: tryed opening another thread again - this time without core 78 in the folder - linked to different server, download core 82 and back to double threads again :)

*should have done that yesterday but was to tired to think straight*
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considering EOC say's i've submitted 0 workunits atall today :eek: I'm guessing it's hit all my farm as well as my home pc. but then again stanford says I'm up 1000points so maybe my work pc's uploaded in the last three hours as did my home pc....

what ever very poor set of weekend results.
yep spotted that (thanks for pointing it out) - massive down time on 13pc's still - but then again that's why i run two threads on each. So if something like this happens its 100% on second thread.
If i drop lots more WU early tomorrow it's not been a total waste. I'll check tomorrow morning on progress.
Works got broadband too (on a 56k dial up here) so might be that affecting things.

but 10 WU in a day on 30+ threads it not good (or then again i might arrive at work tomorrow to find all machines crunching big pointer WU)

Did i tell anyone I'm an eternal optermist :D

edit: thanks for the linky rich (what would we do without you) five gold stars *****
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Well back at the farm now (aka work), and on first inspection it looks as if 5 threads were affected, all WU now uploaded (most on boot) so not as bad as it could have been (optimism rules) - also ECO stats have been amended to show at 1700points total for me yesterday.

And just broken the 40k mark, as Babyface would say Yay me :D
Back to the original topic ;)

All thread have now uploaded, even an extra WU that I missed (thread downloaded new WU without uploading previous - a first for home rig :D )

Edit: btw its happened at work before but not at home, before anyone posts that, that's normal :D
well problem happened again yesterday - uploads of WU was fine - slow, like 2k per sec slow but working. But 4 of the 6 threads unable to download new WU (same server as before).

Tryed the old delete core and retry, which worked but not really a very good option on my connection. So was looking at logs and thought I'd try deleting the queue.dat instead.

stoped service - deleated queue file - restarted service - Fah identified file missing, generated new queue - found no WU to upload and downloaded new WU straightway. Result :D

not sure I'd want to do this in the middle of a WU, but solved my problem without massed core downloads. Any thought if this approach would have a down side???
Your welcome - that what this forum is for afterall :D

Did you check that previous unit uploaded in the log? or that just before it started new WU is said this...if so your good to go

Trying to send all finished work units
+ No unsent completed units remaining.
- Autosend completed
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