Uploading files question

2 Mar 2004
Hey guys,

few questions regarding uploading a website and other files to my free blueyonder webspace if I may.

I have been using Smart FTP, and can connect to my webspace where I can see several folder, all of which I have no idea what they are there for hehe - e.g. htdocs, logs, stats (kinda get that one hehe).

I did try and put an index.html file (a website homepage I put together while messing about with Dreamweaver) and when I put the either in the root folder or one of the others I actually found the site page when I put the url in mozilla.....I tried copying over some random jpeg pics, but for the life of me could not get them to work, I'm guessing I was doing something wrong but I couldn't figure it out :(

If possible I'd like a few points and tips on what I may be doing wrong, or how I can put a site on the webspace from Dreamweaver and also random pics.

If you need any more information I'll happily provide.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Beansprout said:
Try the 'htdocs' folder for all your files :)

That didn't seem to work unfortunately :(

dazsly said:
Check that you need to put images in the image folder as dreamweaver asks for the image location if you have created a new web.

There isn't an images folder in the root folder either, all I get is

The site url (www.******.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk?

and then the folders:

htdocs > _zisp_
logs >.....
stats >....

Maybe it's a problem with how I've set up the webspace maybe....hmm no idea :(
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