Uprade advice

22 Nov 2004
Alrite guys, id like to get some advice. Ive currently got the rig shown on my profile and im itching to upgrade.

I think my gfx card is being held up by my slow ram speed and possibly my Barton XP 3000+. The problem however is that the crappy motherboard ive got that came with the original compaq PC is maxed out, so any upgrade would require new mboard, new case as would want to upgrade to ATX rather than micro, new ram etc etc etc - lots of dosh for a student to find.

I would like to keep my x800xt as i think it'll sort me for a while yet. So ive been looking at the Asrock 939Dual-SATA2 AGP & PCI-Express Motherboard (MB-002-AK). ne one know if this is any good??

Basically what im asking is would it be worth upgrading at this point, or waiting for a while?? What would you do if u were in same position?
Wait for the new Intel chips to come along. They should be out at the end of july. Over the summer would be a good time to upgrade. I doubt they will support agp tho.
What is your budget? That will probably determine what your best options would be.

The ASRock dual is quite a nice motherboard by most accounts, it allows a 'half-way house' between going fully PCI-E and has fairly decent overclocking potential so you could do far worse :)
saffyre said:
Wait for the new Intel chips to come along. They should be out at the end of july. Over the summer would be a good time to upgrade. I doubt they will support agp tho.
Exactly, highly unlikely it'll support AGP...

Having said that the OP can probably sell the X800 on the bay and buy a PCI-E X800 for similar money.
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