Hi all, sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but since it's power related I thought i'd ask in here, if not could someone kindly move it please thank you
I have come to the realisation like a lot of people do when they spend a lot on hardware that perhaps a regular socket/extension isnt adequate protection for my PC (Especially if the electric runs out if I dont hear it beep ) so I think a UPS that can give me enough time to safely shut down the PC would be a good investment
Now my questions are, is a UPS better at protecting from surges etc than a regular plug socket extension unit (I'm guessing yes of course but in what ways? what is the extra benefit)
and also I have a 1200w PSU so i'd need a UPS that would have enough juice to keep it powered for long enough for me to safely shut it down in the event the power goes out etc, it doesnt need to be flashy at all, just to serve it's purpose and to offer that kind of protection
Any recommendations and advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
I have come to the realisation like a lot of people do when they spend a lot on hardware that perhaps a regular socket/extension isnt adequate protection for my PC (Especially if the electric runs out if I dont hear it beep ) so I think a UPS that can give me enough time to safely shut down the PC would be a good investment
Now my questions are, is a UPS better at protecting from surges etc than a regular plug socket extension unit (I'm guessing yes of course but in what ways? what is the extra benefit)
and also I have a 1200w PSU so i'd need a UPS that would have enough juice to keep it powered for long enough for me to safely shut it down in the event the power goes out etc, it doesnt need to be flashy at all, just to serve it's purpose and to offer that kind of protection
Any recommendations and advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!