Upsampling an image?!?!?

11 Dec 2003
Helensburgh, Scotland
Hi all,

Getting 6 photos of mine printed at 30" x 20" on the photobox special offer.

1 of the image won't be a problem resolution wise or quality wise as I shot it in RAW, the others however are 2584 x 3458 jpg's but under 1mb in size. Is this a huge problem? One of them is only 1944 x 2592 and 800kb!!!

Can anyone recommend the best way to upsample these images for such large poster prints???

Thanks a lot.
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when you open up you're files say into photoshop. ( I dont know if you are working in RAW)

Make sure the export settings are at 300DPi

And make sure if you take them into photoshop that you save them as 300DPI Jpegs

Just noticed you mentioned RAW above.
There's a trial version of Genuine Fractals available that does a cracking job of upscaling stuff. I've used it a couple of times to take 4MP or so originals up to whatever 20"x30" @ 254 dpi is. You can't tell on the final print that it's been upscaled.

You have to remember that you won't be standing close enough to a poster sized print to worry about minute details.
rpstewart said:
There's a trial version of Genuine Fractals available that does a cracking job of upscaling stuff. I've used it a couple of times to take 4MP or so originals up to whatever 20"x30" @ 254 dpi is. You can't tell on the final print that it's been upscaled.

This is the program I was trying to tell you about Colin.
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