upscaling dvd players

11 Feb 2004
I cant seem to find out If an upscaling DVD player Is woth It.
Some folk say that the scaler on an LCD Is usualy better and an ordinary DVD player Is suffient enough whilst other people say an upscaling DVD player gives amazing results. As usual In our hi-tech world the market "thought" Is divided.
So what I would like to know Is:

1) Does anyone have an upscaling DVD player and is Impressed ?

2) Have you got an upscalin DVD player and not impressed one bit ?

I'm Determined to make use of my lonely "HDMI" socket on my TV. :D

Any thoughts ?
thanks for the reply raider. :)

I'm swaying towards waiting for a HD player instead maybe.
For now using Xbox360 via component cables is pretty good quality.
After Xmas (jan/feb 2007) I suppose we may see some "decent" deals on HD DVD players and they upscale standard DVD films also.
FrankJH said:
Thats incredibly strange, as I am using effectively the same equipment - an Hd850 connected to Sammy 32" set and its a decent showing for £80, richer in colour etc than My Sony hdd/ dvd recorder which also upscales (via componant)

I really wish I still had My Sony D725 dvd player, it was a multi region one that was seriously good kit - think I paid around £500 for it but I was burgled and that went with a lot of other things and the insurance company offered me something they called a replacement which was a cheap copy (even though still in the Sony range) was completely gutted I couldnt get one for love nor money from anywhere at the time

i know a handset hack to make your player region free but im not sure if its allowed to published on here.
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