urgent help required.

10 Mar 2012
About 2 weeks ago I was changing the loop in my system and accidentally spilled coolant all over the mobo, gfx card, sound card and psu. I cleared up as much as possible but thought I'd leave it a while before attempting to sort it. I just received a new mobo I bought and tried to put the system back together. I was just about to start putting coolant back through the system and heard a strange sound coming from the psu. I have removed it from the case and as I did, a load of coolant just flooded out of it, which would explain the noise coming from it when powered up.

The psu is an ax1200i and im hoping there is some way I can dry it out or am I going to have to get a new psu?

UPDATE: I've left the unit overnight and just tried to see if it had dried out somewhat only to find that it's completely dead. The self test light isn't coming on and none of the lights on GPU or mobo are appearing. I tested with a cx750m I have and the system works with that but I can't realistically use that as a temp psu as I think my sys specs require more power
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