URGENT I have never scanned my apple mac and need to immediately?

20 Dec 2004
Hey Guys,

I have had an apple mac for about a year and a half. I have never scanned it or deleted my cookies, internet temp folder etc. How do I do this?

Is there a built in firewall? If so is it enabled by default

Is there a built in virus scanner? If not can I download one for free?

Sorry for all the questions

Many thanks in advance
Safari menu, go to Safari>Reset and that will wipe your history, cookies and cache.

Firewall is located under System Preferences, click Security and then Firewall. Select "Only essential services" and then Advanced. Select "Enable Stealth Mode" and lock the padlock. :cool:

Spotlight and type "disk" to open the disk utility. Click on your hd and click "repair permissions". When finished, go back to just using your Mac for another 18 months worry free. There is no need for anti virus software. I repeat, there is no need!

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Safari menu, go to Safari>Reset and that will wipe your history, cookies and cache.

Spotlight and type "disk" to open the disk utility. Click on your hd and click "repair permissions". When finished, go back to just using your Mac for another 18 months worry free. There is no need for anti virus software. I repeat, there is no need!

It would have been more fun to try and wind him up :(

Something like oh no! You need to install an anti virus straight away preferably 3!
Macintosh HD > Library > Caches

Home > Library > Caches

Clear the contents of both these folders and you'll be fine.

Also, good practice would be to run the following Terminal commands..

sudo periodic daily
sudo periodic monthly

...and then reset Safari :cool:
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