Urges... dose me with reality...

9 Sep 2009
In a small valley
Hello there!

Ok so I have a real fetish for big naked bikes (not the local lass') and was offered a CB1300 2005 with 19k miles for £3300 but I want an XJR 1300SP more than anything!

I have only been riding 3 months and find that I enjoy the non hardcore pace and just riding with no real intention of setting a destination so the big throaty bikes seem to fit the bill perfectly for me.

Is it this normal to want to change and rid my Bandit 650 so soon? I could trade my bandit in as the garage with the CB1300 offered me £2400 for the Bandit.

Some one slap me...

Rant over. (But please tell me your thoughts on the XJR and CB's :D Got to keep the temptation alive!)
Well my 650 bandit is £450 TPfT and the Xjr is around the £700 mark.

My Bandit is a 2007 plate (but a 2006 model) and the XJR's are around 2001 and upwards (based on what I can afford) but a 2002 Honda CBR 600 is over £1000! Oh and I should be moving into a house with a garage in 2 months and my Bandit insurance will come down by £125.

Shame these XJR's are so expensive lol. But you are right Buchanan, just a bit worried a 1300 beast will be to intimidating. ( I am not a wimp! Honest :) )
I am going to wait out for a CB1300 in red and white or an XJR 1300SP in blue. Just hope the next 9 months go quick as there is something about the Bandit I am not liking, just can't figure it out....
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