Us 2019

14 Oct 2009
Rotherham. S.Yorks
I have never felt this way about a film I genuinely cannot decide between giving it a solid 9 and considering it a masterpiece of modern cinema?

Or if it's the worst film ever. This is as marmite as a movie gets.

Anyone else seen it yet?
I'm sure there's already a thread on it somewhere. I thought it was great but left too many unanswered questions. I thought Get Out was a more polished film.
Saw it in the cinema a few weeks back and while I enjoyed it I really didn't think it was great. The production value is outstanding, but the conclusion was extremely lacking.
Really? While i found it enjoyable i totally missed what all the hoo-haa was about from critics. I thought it was fine, but maybe i was tired or misunderstood the story/underlying themes.

It's only my opinion but I found the underlying theme very clear, how the modern world relies on the exploitation and suffering of those less fortunate or those of a lower class to provide the conditions in which the well off/higher classes thrive. There are other themes runing thoroughout but "class" is the overall theme.
Rock solid horror although the idea of nature vs nurture was a bit on the nose.

That said I absolutely believe environment dictates personality and no one is pre dispositioned to a type.
It was alright, I felt like the twist was thrown in at the end just for the sake of having a twist though, had too many inconsistencies for it to work for me.
Nah, not for me. I'm not going to be fooled - this is M. Knight Shamalanism, very simple stoner idea with very lofty execution relaying on "ironic" wow twist .
the woman that swapped as a child should still have been able to talk

all in all i enjoyed it.

She was 8 years old when she swapped and spent the next 30 years amongst people who couldn't talk. She was also choked by her doppleganger, so that could have damaged her vocal cords.

The actor says this:

Lupita explained: ‘I was inspired by the condition spasmodic dysphonia, which is a condition that comes about from trauma, sometimes emotional, sometimes physical. It creates this spasming in your vocal cords that leads to an irregular flow of air. ‘So I studied that with an ear, nose and throat doctor, with a vocla therapist and my dialect coach to try and make sure I could do it, and do it safely.’

Doesn't really explain why she doesn't ever find her way back above ground though....
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