BBC seems to be all over this with a live feed but here some of the details.
Think id take my chances going back to the USA then some North Korean prison
There are more details emerging about Travis King's time in South Korea as a private in the US Army.
According to what US officials told CBS News, King had recently spent time at a detention facility in South Korea.
A week ago, he was released to Camp Humphreys - an army base in South Korea - for out-processing.
He was headed back to the US for separation from the Army. He was then escorted to the Incheon airport, said goodbye to his escort at customs, but did not get on the plane, CBS reports.
He somehow managed to make his way out of the air terminal and up to the DMZ, about 34 miles (54km) from the airport.
Think id take my chances going back to the USA then some North Korean prison
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