USB error

18 Oct 2002
I have noticed if i used my webcam i get this balloon pop up.


now the problem is that after i get this message i cannot then use any other usb device that i wasnt using before i started using the cam.

For example if i am using my usb headphones to listen to music in winamp and then use my webcam music will play fine and carry however if i dont have winamp open then start to use my webcam my usb headphones will then not work cos the cam is taking up the bandwidth.

Is there any way to solve this. i have tired re-installing the usb controllers and everything. any ideas?
juggle the connections round so the devices are not on the same controller. you can check by looking in device manager.... :)

right click my computer, select manage, device manager, usb controllers, double click each controller in turn and goto the advanced tab. :)
ok i can view that but what can i do i have 4 controllers with 10% system reserve on each and the webcam is using 80%
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