USB Fault

18 Oct 2005
hey ppl im after some advice.

none of my 6 usb ports are picking up anything i plug in to them.

some times when i connect or disconect devices the pc freezes and has 2 be restarted.

i have tryed uninstalling usb device drivers that had no effect i have also reinstalled XP pro still left me with the same problem.

i have replaced the psu with a working one out of a diffrent pc still same problem

also i ran memtest for 8 hours and that reported no errors.

im stuck any help will be greatly apreaciated.

pc spec
3.0ghz p4
generic mobo
generic ram 512mb
generic psu 200w

there elonex workstations
This happens on the front and back usb ports so i doubt it could be a loose connection as the back usb ports are soldered on to the board.

maybe the usb controler is fried?

im gona get a usb pci card tomoro to test in the mean time any idears are welcome.
its not the psu or ram as iv swaped the psu with a diffrent one and iv tested the ram.

the 70+ other workstations of the same spec work fine so its not the crap hardware apart from maybe the mobo or cpu. i get cpuz info tomoro.
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