USB Lock for Desktop PC

8 Feb 2004
In the wetlands...
Hi all,

Having a bit of a security wobble about the things stored on my home PC and automatic password completion (on Chrome, etc) that I have set-up because it was easier than remembering them.

If someone stole my desktop, they could wreck a fair amount of havoc although some log-ins are 2FA (as much as possible for sensitive information) - and I have recently added a bios password, but wondered about other security measures that I could use.

I thought one option would be a USB that would unlock the computer, and if it wasn't around, then it wouldn't the PC wouldn't work; this looks to be entirely feasible from a quick Google - but would it be a good idea, or is it a step too far that is easily side-stepped? What would happen if I lost the USB key? Does it all depend on which system I use? I'm quite happy to pay, but would want a one-off payment approach rather than another subscription service.

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