I have been having a bit of a funky moment with some USB ports.
For example, if I plug in a USB Hard disk, and sometimes a Flash Disk, it is not recognised. I plug it into a different port and its fine.
Also, this one has been reliably unreliable in doing this, but if I plug a mobile into the USB port, and it is NOT recognised, I go into the device manager and I see the offending device, and I upgrade the drivers and select the bottom of the 2 or 3 devices and viola, it then sees that phone.
I can then use that port, for that phone, but if I plug in a different phone, I have to install that same driver again.
It does this on all the ports.
I have been able to get away with this for some time, but I am a moron and I have lots of phones and so I have done it many many many times.
Now however, it has got so bad, that when I plug in a phone, I hear the connect sound and then it disconnects a second later... It then goes into a loop of connect and disconnect and I cannot use that port.
It now does this to all 4 of the main ports on the case, plus the extra on in the card reader. I swapped them about and that let me use the others for a bit, but now its gone back again.
I bought a new phone the other day and I was able to use that phone with zero issues apart from having to redo that drivers again and now that phone just connects and disconnects.
Its not the cables, I have loads of cables and its not wear or anything [physically wrong with the port.
I have also run live Linux and Portable Windows and the ports work just fine.
So, I have tried removing all information about the USB ports that I can, and sometimes I can get somewhere, but I feel that the ONLY solution would be to yet again use another port in the back and connected to a USB multi port adapter and only ever use one port for one phone etc...
Is there any known way that I can utterly and completely remove all info about the USB ports from windows so that it starts all over again?
I have removed the drivers and removed hidden devices etc etc but thats not helping.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for a long winded post.
For example, if I plug in a USB Hard disk, and sometimes a Flash Disk, it is not recognised. I plug it into a different port and its fine.
Also, this one has been reliably unreliable in doing this, but if I plug a mobile into the USB port, and it is NOT recognised, I go into the device manager and I see the offending device, and I upgrade the drivers and select the bottom of the 2 or 3 devices and viola, it then sees that phone.
I can then use that port, for that phone, but if I plug in a different phone, I have to install that same driver again.
It does this on all the ports.
I have been able to get away with this for some time, but I am a moron and I have lots of phones and so I have done it many many many times.
Now however, it has got so bad, that when I plug in a phone, I hear the connect sound and then it disconnects a second later... It then goes into a loop of connect and disconnect and I cannot use that port.
It now does this to all 4 of the main ports on the case, plus the extra on in the card reader. I swapped them about and that let me use the others for a bit, but now its gone back again.
I bought a new phone the other day and I was able to use that phone with zero issues apart from having to redo that drivers again and now that phone just connects and disconnects.
Its not the cables, I have loads of cables and its not wear or anything [physically wrong with the port.
I have also run live Linux and Portable Windows and the ports work just fine.
So, I have tried removing all information about the USB ports that I can, and sometimes I can get somewhere, but I feel that the ONLY solution would be to yet again use another port in the back and connected to a USB multi port adapter and only ever use one port for one phone etc...
Is there any known way that I can utterly and completely remove all info about the USB ports from windows so that it starts all over again?
I have removed the drivers and removed hidden devices etc etc but thats not helping.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for a long winded post.