USB Ports wont work..

26 Oct 2004
Near Brighton
Hey all

ever since yesterday, my USB ports havnt been working :confused:
They were all working fine then suddently my wireless reciever went and the only thing that works in the ports are my mouse :confused:
My wireless reciever, my 2 usb memory sticks all dont work, its really strange, i have the correct driver for my wireless and the 2 usb sticks are plug and play.
I formatted my drive after trying to get tgem to work and now they still dont work :confused: .
All the ports are working as my mouse is able to be used in all of them so i just dont know what the problem is.
thanks for any help,

sjohal2006 said:
Check if they are enabled in bios, just have a quick check.

tried that, its quite an old laptop so bios is very veery simple and theres nothing about emabling USB :(

thanks for your help tough mate.
ok, after a lot of research and testing suggestions from the internet, ive got them working! :)
All i had to do was turn off the laptop without the charger in!!!!!!!!
I am so ****** off, ive spent hours trying to get them to work! Im gutted.
oh well, at least ive learnt what to do if it happens again :)

No swearing.

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