USB prob, Cash prize to whoever can Fix.

3 Oct 2004
Ok sorry for the long post before i start.....

I built my uncle a brand new pc so he gave me the old one (which i also built).
So i thought the best thing to do would be to format the old one fix it up and sell it on. All was well, formatted it and turned it a brand new shiny pc :)
I had a buyer so i sold it on with no bother. Problem is that the USB ports dont seem to work anymore... I didnt try em before i sold because they have never been a problem.

Heres the spec anyhoo..

Asus p4b533
P4 2.26ghz
Radeon 9600 pro
1gb ddr333
1x 80gig ata
1x 120gig ata
Dvd burner

Here what happens when i plug a usb device in...

The system goes thru the usual motions, it finds the device, installs it then says the new hardware is ready to use. But just after that a strange usb icon appears in the sys tray and says "USB device not recognised, one of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned, and windows does not recognise it. For assistance in solving this problem click this message"

It does this with all USB devices except my sidewinder gamepad and a generic mouse.

Ive installed XP, XPsp1, XPsp2, thats 3 fresh installs with the same problem.
Ive updated all drivers to the max....

After trying all this i thought whatever and bought a pci usb card for the machine.
Same problem :(
The pc has never had any USB problems before so i have no idea whats going on!
The pc is basically useless to the buyer as he needs to plug his usb modem in, and his data stick etc etc etc none of which work.

If anyone can find a fix i will send them a shiny £20 note to have a drink on me :)

If not there is a skip out the back and me and my brother are going to pour petrol on it and burn it on Sunday night.

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I think I read something about this a while ago. Sounds ridiculous, but try switching off and unplugging from the power for about a minute then power on again and try? I can't remember if you'd have to do this everytime (if it even works!)
Hmm sounds wacky but its worth a try! Im not plugging it back in again till tomorrow night so if its still borked then i guess that solution is no go!
What totally baffles me is that i thought the usb controller on the MB must have died so thats why i stuck the pci/usb card in. But that does the same thing!

Albaba :(
Maybe the USB ports don't provide enough power to the USB devices. One thing you can try to do is go to 'Device Manager' then find 'Universal Serial Bus Controllers', expand and right-click on 'USB Root Hub', go to properties and then 'Power Management' tab, and untick 'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power'
Hmm good suggestion Day03, will give that a try also :)
Could be the one that, as the pc finds stuff, installs it then right after seems to shut it off. Very odd all the same...

ok theres 2 things your power supply is going to die and not given enought power to power your usb busses or the motherboard usb busses are fried or on there way out, this is due to too much stress placed by usb devices what you could do for the mean time is buy a powered usb hub and connect your usb items to it.
(to test disconnect every usb device try and find a ps2 mouse or use the adaptor that comes with it restart pc dont connect anything i bet it will work.)
hehe ill send you my email addy.
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Checked the bios for the onboard usb settings?

Some boards have a power setting, you could try bringing that down or up a notch.

Also if USB Legacy support is enabled try disabling it.

Have you also tried removing all the other USB devices to see if you have problems then, if not then it should prove a useful bit of info for troubleshooting.

Would be handy to know what PSU the system to.

Its also good to consider wether you reinstalled the USB drivers after SP2, i know a lot of boards USB ports will not work correctly unless you install the drivers again afterward.
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Remove everything under Universal Serial Bus Drivers in device manager, reboot pc and it will automatically re-detect the drivers. Try using a USB pen.

If that does not work then I assume the USB controller is playing up with the drivers or the USB controller hardware is literally dying.
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The power supply is a 350watt generic. But like i said it was all fine before the recent format. The sys was running about 5 usb devices. Ive upped the power in the bios to the usb and that did nowt.
PS2 stuff works fine by the way....
Ive tried removing all the usb and rebooting but that didnt work either.

If the usb controller is dying i would have thought that the pci card would have worked? surely that has its own controller.....

I will try a few of your suggestions when i get in from work

We might have a winner.... :)

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To the OP, disguised swearing is a no-no

Here are my thoughts on the problem:
- It is not a power issue as it also happens with a PCI USB card.
- The devices are recognised so the USB ports do work, also a mouse and gamepad work.
- That leaves driver issues or mobo issues.
- Have youtried disabling unused LPT/Serial ports? (and Firewire)
i had the same problem with the rig in my sig when i pluged in a netgear modem, all i did was unplug the deivice in windows shut down and plug it back in, in the bios post message when the usbs had power
Ok tried unticking the power thing from device manager and that didnt work. I have pulled out the pci usb card cos thats no good either. About to try a nice new 550watt psu in the thing... wish me luck

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