Used Meguiars Plast-X on my hazey headlight lense

27 May 2003
In relation to my previous thread here regarding a naff headlight lense, I used the sanding/ Plastx method to try and improve it.

I used 1000 and then 2500 grit wet/dry sand paper then the Plast-x. The Plast-x definately made the difference. I applied it with a Meguiar's polsihing pad I already had and then rubbed off the excess with a microfiber cloth.

It says to repeat the whole process until satisfied but I only did it the once. It's not "quite" as crystal clear as the other lense but it's as near as dammit is to swearing. I'll give it another go later. The vids online show an electric polisher being used but I did it by hand.

Took about 15-20 mins to get it to how it is now and when comparing before/after shots, it quite an improvement. Especially at night with the lights on.
Cost £10 for the bottle of gloop and a few bits of sandpaper. Only needed 4-5 blobs of plast-x, now have virtually a whole bottle going spare!

Before and after shots


If anyone else has naff lenses, I recommend giving this a go.

Thanks MrLOL for the suggestion!
I don't know why one lense went like this and the other is still crystal clear after nearly 12 years.
I wish they did the stuff in 100ml bottles instead. That would still be plenty to do 7-8 pairs of lights I reckon. Still, I suppose £7 for a bottle isn't breaking the bank.
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