** Useful Information **

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23 Nov 2004
This thread is meant as a general guide to some commonly asked questions regarding the board, and it's usage in addition to the forum's FAQ, the FAQ covers the forum rules and it's highly advisable that you read it first.

Section 1: Intro, Contact details, reporting a problem post/thread..
Section 2: Posting images, and image hosts.
Section 3: Adding a signature, and the limits.
Section 4: IRC/Chat channel information.

First up contacting the moderating team - if you've got any questions about your forum account, why something might have edited/deleted or why you've been suspended please contact a mod directly.
Please note that we cannot assist in matters relating to the shop as most of the moderating team do not work for the store, nor will we generally discuss why another member of the forums has been suspended or banned.

When contacting a Administrator, Moderator or Underboss please remember that we are not (with a few exceptions) employed by the store, and do the moderating in our spare time so whilst we'll try and reply as soon as possible to emails we might take a few days at times. If you do contact either Administrator, Moderator or Underboss, especially if it's in regards to a lost password please, please include your forum username, or if you can't remember that, your likely registered email address. Unfortunately we're not psychic (if I were, I would be winning the lottery not spending time on the boards :p, and an email from "Dave" sent via a hotmail account isn't likely to help us locate your forum account if you registered using a different email address. Contact details are below:

Contact Administrators and Moderators

Please see the forum terms and rules for a list of the moderating team.

How to report posts/threads using the RTM system

What are RTM’s?

RTM’s (Report To Moderators) are used by all members to highlight posts and bring them to the attention of the forum-designated moderators. RTM'ing is an effective method to report any forum rule break such as swearing, competitor links, blatant trolling or anything you think is unsuitable for the forum etc. Basically stuff that needs to be edited out and dealt with accordingly. You may also want to use RTM system to have threads moved, adding polls or even if you want something added to a sticky.

How do I RTM?

At the bottom of every post, you will find a warning sign that says Report. By clicking on this link you are sent to another screen and given a box in which to write your reason for RTM’ing the post. Write your reason along with the offender’s name and click to send.

What happens once I have sent my RTM?

When you send an RTM, it goes straight to the Reports section of the forum moderators for action.

A moderator will soon be around to pick this up, and even if we're not browsing the forums, we’ll get the mail and can deal with the offending post pronto. The RTM gives us the link to the post you have RTM’d along with your username and the reason you have given.

Please note: We do not normally reply to RTMs. If we do not feel any action is needed we will not edit the post. Not all your RTM’s will result in action being taken. The RTM button is not to be used to abused. Please only use the RTM system for genuine reporting purposes only.

How to add an image to your posts.

Directly linking to images on other sites that are not expressly for that purpose (known as Hotlinking) is not permitted. The OcUK moderation team reserve the right to remove any image that is suspicious of being hotlinked.

You may use your own webspace for hosting pictures or files but it's advisable to use a well known image hosting website to upload and share your images and files.

There are many files sites that can be used for hosting your images.


Simply wrap the URL of your image between image tags ..

[IMG]image url here [/IMG]]

Please make sure you are fully aware of the image rules before posting. The full Image rules can be found in the FAQ section.


OcUK have an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) room located on the #quakenet network of servers.
To access this you will need an IRC client such as mIRC

(shareware/freeware), and then follow the simple instructions.
Install your chosen client.Go to “network” options and select Quakenet, then from the server options select

“random UK quakenet server”
Enter in your preferred nickname, and click “connect”, you should connect within a very short time.
Next you want to connect to the OcUK channel to do this in the main window type “/j #overclockers-uk” minus the quotation marks ^_^
This should connect you into the OcUK channel.
Further help on using IRC can be obtained using the clients own help system, or asking on the boards.

Anything else?

If we've missed anything or you feel something needs adding, just contact one of the team.
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