Uses for a Linux-based home server (other than recording and streaming).

27 Jul 2009
After literally months of messing around with my server, trying to get WOL and resume from sleep mode working, I have decided to give up and just leave my server on 24/7.

I run Openmediavault and am using the server to record TV (via TVHeadend) and serve media and files to various clients on my home network.

Given that the server is going to spend more than 50% of its time doing nothing, I was wondering what other uses I could use if for.

Any suggestions for inspiration would be appreciated.
The thing about servers is that they tend to do very little when they're not serving files! It doesn't feel right... However, once you get over that itchiness that your server should be doing something then you'll be fine :)

You could try running a VM or two just for fun. A torrent downloader of some sort is also useful. I use Transmission along with various automated downloaders. I know that plenty of people run Crashplan to back up their backsups.
Few things I run on my server. Pi Hole, get_iplayer, domocitz for home automation with habridge to link up none supported devices, backups, seafile, proxy server, grafana for some nice stats/graphs + some dev containers to mess about with.

All from within their own LXC containers.
Pihole is good! I forgot I was running that! Well worth installing.

I also forgot to say that I'm also running Plex and Ombi.
And there goes another LXC container Ombi looks good, whats the ram footprint like I assume quite light as its not doing any heavy lifting. Im running out of ram fast.
I run Ombi in a docker (on UnRAID) so can't tell you. It can't be a memory hog as it's basically a website that hooks into Transmission and your TV/ film search apps.

What I can say is that I've got four VMs running along with about six docker based apps and I'm using about 16Gb.
The thing about servers is that they tend to do very little when they're not serving files! It doesn't feel right... However, once you get over that itchiness that your server should be doing something then you'll be fine :)

You have hit the nail on the head - it is making me uncomfortable, knowing that it is just sitting there all day doing nothing.

I have had to try and find some reasons to justify, in my mind, advantages of the PC always being ready to go. One thing that I had overlooked was the fact that with sleep mode, all the hard drives spin up after resuming. With the server always on, only hard drives that are actually needed get spun up.

You guys have given me some great ideas, now - had to Google a few as I had not even heard of some of the programs.

I am definitely going to start with having a look at home automation - Domoticz was recommended above, which is perfect as OMV has a plugin for that. Might even consider some CCTV as well.

get_iplayer is also something that I had never come across but will definitely check out.

Sorry it this is stupid question, but what is a docker? I have just been looking it up but seem none the wiser.
You have hit the nail on the head - it is making me uncomfortable, knowing that it is just sitting there all day doing nothing.

I have had to try and find some reasons to justify, in my mind, advantages of the PC always being ready to go. One thing that I had overlooked was the fact that with sleep mode, all the hard drives spin up after resuming. With the server always on, only hard drives that are actually needed get spun up.

You guys have given me some great ideas, now - had to Google a few as I had not even heard of some of the programs.

I am definitely going to start with having a look at home automation - Domoticz was recommended above, which is perfect as OMV has a plugin for that. Might even consider some CCTV as well.

get_iplayer is also something that I had never come across but will definitely check out.

Sorry it this is stupid question, but what is a docker? I have just been looking it up but seem none the wiser.
Docker is a container system, simply put its like a VM but for an application so it shares the kernel with the host OS but it is separated from the OS so it can have its own dependencies etc. This means if you want to install say plex you dont have to get the installer, find all dependencies worry about breaking something as plex requires version x of assembly y. Its all in the docker container. Its a nice way to keep everything you install separate but a lot lighter than using VMs.
For what its worth there are other OS level containers like LXC which gives you a full OS within a container which is a lot like a VM but still a lot lighter.
Hope that helps.
Thank you - so, in an ideal world, should I install Openmediavault and then install all the extra progams via docker instead (Emby, TVHeadend, Domoticz)?
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