Using a PAC code....

10 Aug 2005
Hi people
I've been with the same phone network for years but they won't give me a sim only deal that's competitive. In fact they won't even offer me the deal they are promoting themselves on the Uswitch website......
So I've asked for my PAC code and am considering switching for the first time ever.
However I keep getting cold feet and panicking about the risk of something going wrong and losing my phone number and all the issues this would cause.
Am I being silly is switching networks easy and straight forward?
Can anyone give me any tips or advice to make things straightforward?
I'm thinking of going with Lebara.
Yes I've got the pac code Im just waiting for the new sim to arrive In the post before I switch.
I just don't want any stress keeping my number.
Should you not have been asked for the PAC when you ordered the SIM? Are you changing to a rolling monthly SIM with Lebara? In either case it should be fairly straightforward to apply the PAC retrospectively.

I've ordered a 30 day no contract type rolling sim yes with Lebara.
I wasn't asked If wanted to keep my number when ordering the sim so I assume I do this when I've received it.
That's another question actually I have to setup my Lebara account once the sim arrives but do I register the account using the phone number that comes on the sim or the number I'm going to keep via the PAC?
So confusing lol...
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