Using an american profile on the 360 ?

27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur
Is using an American profile illegal and is it something we can talk about on here ?, I say this as I've made one early this morning and I amazed at the amount of video content they have on there, I've just downloaded a few movie trailers in HD and they look awsome, I'm thinking about registering my visa card on the american profile and buying some gamers points, they are only $25 dollers for 2000, according to that's only £12.88 and the films are only between 320-480 points each in HD, that's cheaper than my local rental store, I have my 360 hooked upto my LCD Projector so I think it could be worth doing for a bit of HD lushness,

also I noticed in my american profile I can play my Live arcade games I brought on my English profile, does that mean then that I can buy Live Arcade games really cheaply using my 2000 american points for only £12.88 and then play them on my English profile or am I blind and this is what everyone has been doing all along ?
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i've got a US profile that i just use to download all the free stuff they get that we dont :D

it was originally advised by major nelson (the xbox live main man) to do this to get the extra content - dunno if this has changed since they got the video marketplace though ;)
Baz said:
And then I take it, pay the £30 for getting the profile on Live?

No just get the free silver account as thats all you need to download stuff, Then use your Uk account to play the stuff you downloaded from the US
Teletraan-82 said:
I thought MS had blocked creation of 'foreign' accounts, or is that just for Gold access?

Im not to sure on that mate tbh was a while ago i had a US account and i cant check my 360 its at the g/fs and she has no broadband conection.
lowrider007 said:
well it's working for me fine atm, that is on silver though mind but that's all I need it on I can still purchase all my cheap live arcade games and HD movies,

I can post a quick guide on setting up an american/jap profile but I don't know if I'm aloud ?
Im not to sure if we can evan talk about this or not.

Sorry dons if this is against your rules.
Weren't MS cross referencing IP addresses for US accounts with UK ISPs and banning the accounts?

Maybe it's just something they do from time to time to scare everyone!
What would be the point of them blocking the UK accessing the content... Seems strange that we get different stuff to the US...
lowrider007 said:
ARE YOU SERIOUS !!!111!!1!!!11ONE!!11!!! :eek:

noway do I want my acc banned !

Here's a Google translation from the German site which raised the alarm:

For approximately 2 weeks we know that Microsoft will delete in the near future Xbox live Fake account to serve to procure itself e.g. from US the Marketplace of contents. Unfortunately we could not publish these information, since they originated from a confidential discussion... As soon as Microsoft notices that US Xbox tries a live account with a IP e.g. from Germany something of the market place to download, then this account will be deleted in the future. That applies also to accounts with a gold membership... This is justified with legal and copyright regulations for films of the content offerers or indicated title etc.

Whether you fully understood the rough translation or not, the point is that the big MS will delete the fake accounts. According to the above statement, if MS detects an account which has a discrepancy between its IP address and that of the country stated in the profile, it will get flagged for termination.

If you think this is rubbish, you might want to hold your tongue. Whether or not this bit of info is official or not, Microsoft could very likely take such strict course of action. They have, after all, the right to protect their own assets.
Baz said:
What would be the point of them blocking the UK accessing the content... Seems strange that we get different stuff to the US...

Because for some stuff (mostly the movies and trailers etc.) they wont have licence to distribute it in certain countries.

lowrider007 said:
ummmmm, what do you think that means then, they just ban the fake acc or the actual 360 it's self gets banned from xbox live ?

More likely the account will be banned, rather than the console.
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