Using Dell 24" 2410 with PS3, would LCD TV be better ?

18 Jun 2005
So I got a PS3 the other day for the bedroom and am pretty impressed with how good the PS3 looks on the Dell 2410 screen, when watching BD movies and gaming. I was wondering though if I should go for a 32 or even 37" proper LCD TV ? Besides the obvious increase in screen size and having to adjust my viewing distance, would it offer any advantages over the Dell ?

From what I have seen in my mates house, the pixel pitch on even the best 1080p lcd tv's is very poor compared to the Dell, plus input lag on the latest LCD TV's seems terrible too. The Dell can go as low as 16ms which is pretty decent compared to the 50 to 100ms's of lag I keep reading about over on HDTVTest's reviews. With the Dell I also can sit up close when I plug in my laptop, unlike LCD TV's whose PC image is nowhere near as good. Again the pixel pitch issue.

The only negatives I can think of on the Dell screen are lack of hdmi inputs, but I have a Sony hdmi amp to cure that. And of course it's 1920x1200 so the screen stretches a little, unless you use 1:1 mode.

I guess I can't think of any reason to replace it. Would be interested in hearing opinions.
Yeah, I think you're right mate.

To be honest, I had a Sony Bravia 32W4000 a year and half ago. This was one of the 1st one of the best 1080P 32" sets, known for almost no lag. I was using an Xbox 360 with it, and I always found even though it was great for gaming, the dot pixel pitch sucked compared to my 24". Understandable given the size difference. However it meant using my laptop with it sucked also.
I guess it's not optimal, but in 1:1 mode I am only missing 120 pixels which isn't much and some games look fine stretched to 1200.

Anyway, I looked at some more LCD TV's yesterday evening, all 32" 1080P. The Dell screen quality (at least the 2410) is leagues ahead. If I was watching Sky or needed a tuner, I'd consider a TV, but strictly for Xbox,PS3,PC and BluRay and up close viewing, I think a PC LCD will offer better quality.
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